The Gates of Sky by Ede Terényi: Music Analysis




Ede Terényi, Ernő Lendvai, The Gates of Sky, choir music, ritual, world tree


In our previous paper, we examined the genesis of the choral work, its textual and musical sources, the intellectual and cultural influences that may have played a role in its creation. Starting from this complex ideological background, in this paper we will examine, through a detailed analysis of the score, how the compositions structure, musical language and techniques bring the text to life, where its message is directed, and what additional conceptual and expressive value they provide. The Gates of Sky is, in a certain reading, a cultural-anthropological journey, partly based on historical references, partly mythical. However, its rich musical language and symbolic meanings only gain significance if they are combined with a suitable and convincing sound dramaturgy. For the authors basic aim is not merely to evoke a ritual, but to give the performers and the audience the opportunity to experience the metamorphosis it embodies.


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How to Cite

FODOR, A. . (2024). The Gates of Sky by Ede Terényi: Music Analysis. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Musica, 69(Special Issue 1), 215–259.

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