

Anton Pann, Heirmos, Heirmologhion, Pentecost, musical analysis, RomanizatIon


The mission of our work is to identify the source that Anton Pann used in order to compose the Irmologhiu sau Catavasier [Heirmologhion] (1846). Our challenge will be to carry on a comparative musical analysis between Heirmos I of the Canon at the Feast of Pentecost and similar fragments (Petros Vyzantios, Hourmouzios Hartofylax Edition, 1825, and Ioannis Vyzantios Protopsaltis, 1839). Previously, we will outline the place the Heirmologhion occupies in the Romanian composer's creation. The comparative analysis of the three musical versions leads us to the conclusion that the source of Anton Pann’s Irmologhion, not mentioned in the preface of the work, is Petros Vyzantios’ syntomon Irmologhion, the Edition that was edited and transcribed by Hourmouzios Hartofylax in 1825, as proven by multiple similarities at the level of configurative modal line, of melodic-cadential formulas and of transient inflexions from other tones.


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Ειρμολόγιον των καταβασιών Πέτρου του Πελοποννησίου μετά του συντόμου Ειρμολογίου Πέτρου Πρωτοψάλτου του Βυζαντίου: Εξηγημένα κατά την νέαν της μουσικής μέθοδον μετά προσθήκης ικανών μαθημάτων, ων εστερούντο εις το παλαιόν. Επιθεωρηθέντα ήδη, και ακριβώς διορθωθέντα παρά του Διδασκάλου Χουρμουζίου Χαρτοφύλακος. Κωνσταντινούπολις, Εν τη Βρεταννική Τυπογραφία Κάστρου εις Γαλατάν, [Heirmologion and Katabasis of Petros Peloponnesiou with the short Heirmologion of Peter Protopsaltis of Byzantium: adapt in the New Method music. Edited and cared for by the Master Hourmouzios Hartophylax, Constantinople, in the British Printing Castle, in Galata], 1825.

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How to Cite

MOCANU, D. (2016). ANTON PANN’S "HEIRMOLOGHION". ARGUMENTS FOR IDENTIFYING THE SOURCE. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Musica, 61(1), 171–182. Retrieved from




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