
  • Éva PÉTER Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Reformed Theology, Musical Pedagogy Departement, RO-400535, Cluj-Napoca, Horea str. 7. E-mail:


folk song arrangement, polyphony, homophony, monody, stanza, choir


We intend to point you three main parts the following study; we take a short glance to the life and work of the composer Albert Márkos, followed by a systematic and general overview of his work, ending with the actual analysis of his choral works. To be more precise, there is about the choral works that are folk song arrangements. My research has shown this aspect to be a particularly important one regarding the works of Albert Márkos, being also of a considerable large quantity. However, I had been fortunate enough to have access to the relevant scores as well as other sheet music, some of which were actually published. Moreover, I have conducted an archivist research principally in the family collection. My analysis contains aspects regarding the origin of folk songs, the manner of their arrangement as well as the composition technique used by him. The matter of the text as well as the prosody is an aspect to be considered in a different paper perhaps.


Bartók, Béla, Însemnări asupra cântecului popular (Notes Regarding Folk Songs), Translation and preface by Zeno Vancea, E S P L A Bucureşti, 1965.

Bárdos, Lajos, Modális Harmóniák (Modal Harmonies), Zeneműkiadó, Budapest, 1979.

Buciu, Dan, Elemente de scriitură modală, (Elements of Modal Composition), Editura muzicală, Bucureşti, 1981.

Bughici, Dumitru, Dicţionar de forme şi genuri muzicale (Musical Form and Genre Dictionary), Editura Muzicală, Bucureşti, 1978.

Jamagas, János and Faragó József, Romániai magyar népdalok (Hungarian Folk Songs from Romania), Kriterion, Bucureşti, 1974.

Kodály, Zoltán, A magyar népzene (Hungarian Folk Music), Zeneműkiadó, Budapest, 1973.

Mârza, Traian, Folclor muzical din Bihor (Musical Folklore from Bihor Region, Editura Muzicală a uniunii Compozitorilor, Bucureşti, 1974.

Szenik, Ilona, Schiţă de curs de folclor muzical (Musical Folklore Lecture), chapter: Muzica populară maghiară (Hungarian Folk Music), manuscript, 1978.

Timaru, Valentin, Schiţă de sisteme a modurilor, in: “Lucrări de muzicologie” (Modal scale system chart within Musicology Works), vol. 6, Cluj, 1970, p.167-180.

Newspapers, magazines, Concert brochures: A hét (The Week), issue no. 6, 15 April 1983; Előre (Forward), 10 January 1964, 11 October 1970; Făclia (Beacon), 6 May 1967; Igazság (The Truth) 5 May 1959, 30 January 1965, 26 October 1963, 29 January 1964, 20 December 1964, 4 May 1967, 2 June 1976; Tribuna (The Tribune) October 1964.

Săptămâna muzicii româneşti (Romanian Music Week), Romanian Athenaeum, Bucharest, 22-30 September 1951 – Concert Brochure.




How to Cite

PÉTER, Éva. (2009). FOLK SONG ARRANGEMENTS IN THE CHORAL WORKS OF ALBERT MÁRKOS. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Musica, 54(2), 67–94. Retrieved from




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