


art education, music education, denominational education, curricular and extracurricular education.


Our empirical analysis explores a practical question of contemporary music education. We investigate the role of church schools in musical art education by providing a contrast with music education in public schools in Hungary. We establish that the practical approach to teach musical arts through experience is prevalent in both public and church schools. Denominational schools are better equipped with instruments, their music teachers know how to play instruments, and their students sing canons much more frequently. More than 90 percent of church school pupils have attended a live music concert, which can be largely contributed to their institution, the school choir, and their parents. Pupils of public schools frequent concerts, which are usually organised by their school, much less. It can be stated that church schools put a stronger emphasis on musical art education both inside and outside the curriculum. The subject “singing and music” should have a more pronounced place in the curriculum as concert pedagogy does not fulfil its role as experience pedagogy perfectly.


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How to Cite

VÁRADI, J., & DRAGONY, G. (2019). THE ROLE OF CHURCH SCHOOLS IN MUSIC EDUCATION. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Musica, 64(1), 9–28.




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