antimicrobial activity, bioceramic, endodontic sealer, tricalcium silicate.Abstract
ABSTRACT. The aim of this work was to evaluate the antimicrobial effectiveness of a bioceramic experimental endodontic sealer (EES), alongside with its components. As a novelty, magnesium silicate was incorporated into the experimental material, in order to improve the mechanical performance of the product. The main oxide components, tricalcium silicate (Ca3SiO5) and magnesium silicate (Mg2SiO4) were synthesized in nanoparticles from specific precursors by a sol-gel method. To compare the efficiency of the new developed product, commercially available materials, with similar chemical composition, used in everyday practice, were also tested: BC Sealer, MTA Bioceramic Root Canal Sealer, and MTA Fillapex. The method employed for the present study was the agar well diffusion test (ADT). The selected microbial strains were Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans, frequently associated with persistent infection and recurrent infections of the endodontic space, as well as periapical pathologies refractory to endodontic treatment. Measurements of the inhibition areas were performed at 24-hour intervals for 7 consecutive days. Tricalcium silicate and all tested endodontic sealers revealed antimicrobial effectiveness against Candida albicans at 24 hours after placement, with a prolonged activity, for up to 7 days. The study revealed no antibacterial effect against Enterococcus faecalis at 24 hours nor in the following 7 days, for any of the tested samples.
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