olive, coconut, hemp, ozonated oil, GC-MS, antimicrobial activityAbstract
In this study, a comparative determination of the quality factors, chemical composition and antimicrobial activity for ozonated and non-ozonated olive, coconut and hemp oils was made. The following quality factors for non-ozonated and ozonated oils were determined: peroxide value, acidity value, iodine value and density. The composition of methyl esters of fatty acids and the final compounds resulting from the ozonation process of the studied vegetable oils was characterized by Gas-Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The oil samples showed varying degrees of antibacterial activity against selected pathogens. Ozonated oils act as a matrix capable of releasing active oxygen from ozonides, which have antimicrobial activity. Density, peroxide value and acid value increased in all ozonated oils, while iodine value decreased in all ozonated oils. The gas chromatography showed a change in the degree of unsaturation due to the ozonation process, such that: the total content of unsaturated compounds decreased by 24.58% in ozonated olive oil, by 37.88% in ozonated hemp oil and by 9.14% in ozonated coconut oil. The innovative aspect of the paper consists in the physico-chemical and chromatographic characterization of the ozonated hemp oil and the comparison of the antimicrobial activity of the studied oils.References
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