
  • Éva PÉTER PhD Docent, Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Reformed Theology, Musical Pedagogy Department, Ro-400535, Cluj-Napoca Horea str. 7. E-mail:


The reform has brought big changes in the Christian life and holiness. The reformers, wished to renew the entire liturgy. The passive role of the Christian believers at the mass is changed with their active participation, including in the canticle.

In the study we shall present on one side the contribution regarding the community singings of the three most important representatives of the reform: Luther, Calvin and Zwingli; on the other side the achievements of the Hungarian reformers in the grounding of the community canticle. In the third part we shall present the collections named graduals, and in particular the Old Gradual, which is the most important musical collection of the XVII. century. Its significance is special from the point of view the Hungarian ecclesiastic music, as well as from the point of view the music’s history.


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How to Cite

PÉTER, Éva. (2008). THE REFORMED CHURCH AND THE MUSIC. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Musica, 53(1), 149–172. Retrieved from




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