Christian Ceremonial Folk Song. Case Study: Pilgrimage Songs From Nicula Monastery
pilgrimage songs, ceremonial, folklore, church musicAbstract
In the complex landscape of contemporary Romanian religious music, the last decades have been marked by a phenomenon of crystallization and diffusion of a new musical genre, with deep roots in the popular music tradition. This genre, defined by specific structural, thematic and functional characteristics, has succeeded in imposing itself within the Koinonikon liturgical ritual, in some cases replacing the traditional musical repertoire of the period. Initially, Christian ceremonial folk songs were associated with certain liturgical feasts dedicated to the Virgin Mary, fulfilling an occasional function of marking important moments in the church calendar. Through oral transmission and adaptation to the religious context, these songs entered the collective consciousness and became an integral part of the religious practices of rural communities during pilgrimages. Over time, under the influence of socio-cultural and religious factors, Christian ceremonial folk songs underwent a revalorization and an expansion of their original functions. They have thus gone beyond the strict liturgical ritual of pilgrimages and have been integrated into various forms of cultural and religious expression, such as folksong festivals or religious events: camps, competitions. An emblematic case in this respect are the pilgrimage songs, especially those associated with the Nicula Monastery. These songs, originally intended to accompany pilgrimages to the monastery, have spread nationwide, becoming a symbol of Romanian religious and cultural identity for the musical genre of Christian ceremonial folk songs.
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