self-knowledge, conscience, personal development, education, music history, music, achievement, change.Abstract
Guiding ourselves by the contemporary issues of adjacent domains, we have acknowledged the existence of some interesting points of view and an orientation towards a new educational paradigm of experiential type. Education, which is the foundation for human development, for the determination of the personalities and the evolution of the society in which we live, was in the middle of the scientists’ attention of all times, from antiquity to present day. Starting from modern research we focus our attention on the music’s potency and influence. But appealing to the wide potential of music history, we are bringing forward in this current study a proposal that places at its central point the resources that this field includes and the way that these can be exploited inside a personal development strategy. This strategy is concerned with accomplishing personal and professional achievements, with quality of life enhancement and the development of a better, more evolved society.References
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