“100 de ani (100 Years)” by I.L. Caragiale: Recycling the Image of the Nation


  • Anca HAŢIEGAN Faculty of Theatre and Film, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ancahatiegan@yahoo.com




Caragiale, recycling, Romania, history, nation, allegory


On February 1, 1899, the National Theatre of Bucharest hosted the premiere of the play 100 de ani. Revistă istorică națională a secolului XIX, în 10 ilustrațiuni [100 Years. National Historical Revue of the 19th Century, in 10 Illustrations], arranged by I.L. Caragiale. Caragiale's controversial work is a montage of verses, prose and short plays written by several Romanian authors from the past (in other words, the play consists of old literary or dramatic works, appropriated, copied and pasted to fit into a new scenario). As a matter of fact, Caragiale wrote only the stage directions and a few lines and connecting scenes. But the overall, dramaturgical-directorial vision of the script belongs to him. Considering the way Caragiale treats the works of his literary colleagues in 100 Years, one could say that, in this particular case, he does not behave as a writer, but as a true author-director (or “auteur”). The ten “illustrations” arranged by him consist of a series of more or less allegorical or symbolic representations of the century about to end, with its emblematic moments, culminating in an “apotheosis” celebrating King Carol I. In my paper, I will try to argue that Caragiale's “revue” is more than a minor piece of homage art: it is an exercise of historical re-evaluation underpinned by a philosophy of history. I will also analyse the way the author recycles the image of Romania, departing from the traditional theatrical (allegorical) representations of the nation.

Author Biography

Anca HAŢIEGAN, Faculty of Theatre and Film, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, ancahatiegan@yahoo.com

ANCA HAŢIEGAN is Assistant Professor in the Theatre Department of the Faculty of Theatre and Television, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania. Her main research interests include Romanian theatre and literature, theatre history and historiography. She is the author of Cărţile omului dublu: teatralitate şi roman în regimul communist [The Books of the Double-Man: Theatricality and the Novel under the Communist Regime]. Cluj: Editura Limes, 2010, and of Dimineața actrițelor [Dawn of the Actresses], Iasi: Polirom, 2019.


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How to Cite

HAŢIEGAN, A. (2019). “100 de ani (100 Years)” by I.L. Caragiale: Recycling the Image of the Nation. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Dramatica, 64(2), 11–32. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbdrama.2019.2.01




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