Diamond Open Access
OFFICIAL WEBPAGE: https://www.dramatica.ro/
Volume 69, No. 2, December 2024, ISSUE DOI: 10.24193/subbdrama.2024.2
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/.
Thematic Issue:
Émotions, affectivité, sensorialité dans les arts de la scène et au cinéma. In memoriam Patrizia Lombardo (1950-2019) / Emotions, Affectivity, Sensoriality in Performing Arts and Cinema. In memoriam Patrizia Lombardo (1950-2019)
Issue Editor: Ioan POP-CURȘEU
Volume 69, No. 1, April 2024, ISSUE DOI: 10.24193/subbdrama.2024.1
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/.
Thematic Issue:
Theatre and Performing Arts in Eastern Europe: New Perspectives
Issue Editor: Ștefana POP-CURȘEU
Volume 68, No. 2, November 2023, ISSUE DOI: 10.24193/subbdrama.2023.2
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/.
Thematic Issue:
Le théâtre contemporain à l'épreuve des classiques : à partir de Molière /
Contemporary Theatre Challenged by the Classics: Starting with Molière
Issue Editors: Ștefana POP-CURȘEU, Ioan POP-CURȘEU
Volume 68, No. 1, March 2023, ISSUE DOI: 10.24193/subbdrama.2023.1
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/.
Thematic Issue:
Corporeal Narratives in Performing and Visual Arts
Issue Editor: Delia ENYEDI
Volume 67, No. 2, October 2022, ISSUE DOI: 10.24193/subbdrama.2022.2.
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/.
Thematic Issue:
Stage Directing and Theatre Pedagogy Nowadays
Volume 67, No. 1, March 2022, ISSUE DOI: 10.24193/subbdrama.2022.1.
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/.
Thematic Issue:
Reinstalling Culture as Common Good and Public Service/
Réinstaurer la culture en tant que bien commun et service public
Issue Editors: Miki Braniște & Bogdán Zenkő
Volume 66, No. 1, October 2021, ISSUE DOI: 10.24193/subbdrama.2021.2.
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/
Thematic Issue:
The Living Archives: Saving and Activating the Heritage of Performing and Visual Arts
Issue Editors:
Miruna RUNCAN & Mihai PEDESTRU, Babeș-Bolyai University
Volume 66, No. 1, March 2021, ISSUE DOI: 10.24193/subbdrama.2021.1.
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/
Thematic Issue:
The Act and the Show: Performing Arts, Cinema and Psychoanalysis
Issue Editors:
IOAN POP-CURȘEU, Babeș-Bolyai University,
NOEMINA CÂMPEAN, Forum of the Lacanian Field, Romania
Volume 65, No. 2, October 2020, ISSUE DOI: 10.24193/subbdrama.2020.2.
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/
Thematic Issue:
To be a Theatre Critic and Historian Nowadays / Être critique et historien du théâtre aujourd’hui.
In memoriam MARIA VODĂ CĂPUȘAN (1940 – 2017)
ISSUE EDITORS: Livia Titieni, Ligia Stela Florea, Yvonne Goga, Ștefana Pop-Curșeu
Volume 65, No. 1, March 2020, ISSUE DOI: 10.24193/subbdrama.2020.1.
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/
Special Thematic Issue:
Images of Witchcraft: Theatre, Cinema, Visual & Performing Arts
Issue Editors: Ioan Pop-Curșeu, Delia Enyedi
Volume 64, No. 2, October 2019, ISSUE DOI: 10.24193/subbdrama.2019.2.
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/
Thematic Issue:
Copy-Past. Revaluating History, Memory and Archive in Cinema, Performing Arts and Visual Culture
Issue Editor: Miruna Runcan
Volume 64, No. 1, March 2019, ISSUE DOI: 10.24193/subbdrama.2019.1.
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/
Special Thematic Issue
Between Shaping Mirrors: Discourses on Performing Arts
Issue Editor: Mihai Pedestru
Volume 63, No. 2, October 2018, ISSUE DOI: 10.24193/subbdrama.2018.2.
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/
Special Thematic Issue
Romanian Theatre Seen from Outside the Borders: Artistic and Critical Perspectives Celebrating the Centenary of Modern Romania (1918-2018)
Issue Editor: Ștefana Pop-Curșeu
Volume 63, No.1, March 2018, ISSUE DOI: 10.24193/subbdrama.2018.1.
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/
Special Thematic Issue:
Romanian Theatre – New Perspectives
Celebrating the Centenary of Modern Romania (1918-2018)
ISSUE EDITORS: Anca Haţiegan, Ştefana Pop-Curșeu and Mihai Pedestru
Volume 62, No. 2, October 2017, ISSUE DOI: 10.24193/subbdrama.2017.2.
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/
Thematic Issue:
New Perspectives in Theatre History and Criticism
Volume 62, No. 1, March 2017, ISSUE DOI: 10.24193/subbdrama.2017.1.
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/
Thematic Issue:
Issue Editors:
RALUCA SAS-MARINESCU, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
MIHAI PEDESTRU, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
Volume 61, No. 2, October 2016
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/
Thematic issue
DADA > 100: Life / Art / Museum
Volume 61, No. 1, March 2016
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/
Thematic issue
DADA > 100: Life / Art / Museum
Volume 60, No. 2, October 2015
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/
Thematic issue
Spectator’s Body, Emotions & Empathy
Volume 60, No. 1, March 2015
Also, the volume can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/
Thematic issue
The Actor’s Body: Image, Metaphor and Sign
Older volumes can be found in the Archive of the Studia UBB Dramatica official website: https://www.dramatica.ro/
©Studia UBB Dramatica. Published by Babeș-Bolyai University.
ISSN (print): 1842-2799 | ISSN (online): 2065-9539 | ISSN-L: 2065-9539
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.