About the Journal

OFFICIAL WEBPAGE: https://www.dramatica.ro/

© Studia UBB Dramatica. Published by Babeș-Bolyai University.


Aims and Scope

Since it was first issued in 2006, the journal evolved from a national to an international reach, pursuing a constant and significant expansion. Thus, it created a network of practitioners and researchers from prestigious European and American universities which enables its members to share and disseminate the results of their personal or collective research concerning current subjects and international themes. The decision to divide past numbers of the publication according to thematic criteria imposed itself so as to enhance scientific rigour and to highlight a number of subjects and fields of study that animate the interest of researchers and thespians in current times.

The aim of the journal is to encourage original research in the field of the performing arts through assembling thematic numbers that are well connected to the international flux of research in the humanities. We strive towards a number of goals, of which we hereby mention the most important:

  1. To establish a platform for academic debates of the highest standard, involving researchers from Romanian universities alongside reputable academics from abroad;
  2. To promote Romanian research in international languages (English and French) and to increase its impact on the field;
  3. To constitute a coherent, significant and easily recognizable academic profile of the Cluj-Napoca theatre and film school, for which the journal shall serve as a central emblem;
  4. To approach research subjects which are currently relevant, as well as extremely rich and stimulating from a scientific viewpoint;
  5. To strongly correlate theoretical and practical approaches, stimulating applied research and theoretical approaches grounded in artistic experience;
  6. To advocate for interdisciplinarity and multilevel approaches to the theatrical phenomenon, which link it to film, visual arts, literature, etc.
  7. To develop a corpus of dynamic methodologies, suited to theatre and film, through dialogue with connected disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, philosophy et al.

The Journal is divided into three main constant sections:

  1. Studies and articles (contains original field studies, individual or collective research results, criticism articles and actuality essays, correspondent to the announced theme of each issue) (minimum 8 articles).
  2. Creations/ Interviews/ Miscellanea (may comprise interviews conducted with prominent personalities in the field of performing arts, as well as novel full-text or fragments of dramatic writings, original screenplays, specialized translations, evocations and essays).
  3. Performance, Film or Book Reviews (contains reviews of performances or films which premiered within a maximum of one year prior to the submission of the article, reviews of books published within a maximum of two years prior to the submission of the article) (minimum 2 reviews).

Starting with number 1/ 2015, Studia UBB Dramatica issues got the status of ‘Open Access’. As an Open Access journal (ISSN 2065-9539), Studia UBB Dramatica does not charge readers or their institutions for access (read, download, copy, distribute, print for research use, search, or link to the full texts of articles). There is also a printed version of the journal (ISSN 1842-2799).


Peer Review Procedure

All articles published in Studia Dramatica undergo a rigorous and transparent double-blind peer review process, streamlined through the OJS system. After the article is submitted, it goes through an initial editorial screening by the issue editor to determine whether it meets the technical requirements and whether it fits the thematic scope of the issue. In the next step, the article is anonymized and is sent through the platform to independent reviewers selected from the internal database according to interests and competence.

The journal takes the engagement to send the articles to be reviewed by two peer-reviewers from outside the Institution to which the author is affiliated. The peer-reviewers have to check, read carefully, make a written evaluation of the article and fill up a review standard form. Their suggestions are sent to the author, for further changes. The reviewers are not aware of the authors’ names, as well as the authors don’t have the information regarding their reviewers’ identity (double blind review system).


Open Access Policy

All articles published in Studia Dramatica are fully open access: immediately freely available to read, download and share. Articles are published under the terms of a Creative Commons license which permits, without charge, use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Studia Dramatica does not charge authors any kind of publication fees or article processing charges.


Prevention and Fight against Plagiarism and other forms of fraudulent conduct

Authors of the journal must be aware and understand that Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai intends to prevent, and also sanctions attempts and acts of plagiarism and other forms of fraudulent conduct, including but not limited to the fabrication and/or falsification of data. Therefore, authors are hereby advised that:
– Plagiarism attempts or other fraudulent actions discovered and documented during the review process (Editorial Office, peer review) may lead to: a) rejection of the manuscript for publication; b) official information of the higher education or research institution of the author’s affiliation; and c) information of the scholarly community and public opinion.
– Upon notification on allegation of plagiarism or other fraudulent actions for any article that has been already published in Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai, and following the thorough verification of the notification, the Editorial Office may take the following steps: a) contact the Index of allegations of plagiarized works in Romania; b) follow the procedure in place for plagiarism attempts or other fraudulent actions discovered and documented during the review process; c) officially inform the higher education or research institution of the author’s affiliation, making available all necessary documents (including the author’s responsible declaration of originality); d) advise the most important international databases about the allegation of plagiarism; and e) publish (on the site, etc.) its official position on the matter. As conceptual and general guidelines on plagiarism, the journal Studia UBB refers to: “What Constitutes Plagiarism?”, in “Harvard Guide to Using Sources”, available here: https://usingsources.fas.harvard.edu/what-constitutes-plagiarism

See also: https://researcheracademy.elsevier.com/uploads/2020-06/RA_HEADT%20Centre%20Webinar%20on%20Plagiarism_FINAL.pdf


Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

The Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement aligns with the recommendations of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics): Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers.


© Studia UBB Dramatica. Published by Babeș-Bolyai University.

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