Performing Archives: Documentary Theatre, Transition and Adaptation to a New Lifestyle in Romanian Society
documentary theatre, archives, transition, recent history, non-Aristotelian theatre, independent theatre, consumerism, society.Abstract
The change of political regimes and the long period of transition that followed afterwards brought dramatic, even tragic shifts in common people’s lives, who were born and raised in the Eastern Bloc. These experiences, which were strikingly common in Eastern European countries, have left significant marks in nowadays society, which historians and artists alike are trying to analyze and explain to their audiences, in a personal and accessible form. This article aims to analyze the manners in which recent history themes, like the period of transition, economy and the essential lifestyle changes which came as a consequence, are researched and handled in Romanian documentary theatre. As follows, two theatre productions of this kind will be presented. They were considered to be a real success in the independent theatre scene in the past five years and their specificity is the shared socio-political context between stage and audience.References
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Reactor de Creație și Experiment. Miracolul de la Cluj și M.I.S.A.PĂRUT. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Idea Design&Print, colecția Istorie recentă și spectacol, 2019
Tonitza-Iordache, Michaela. George Banu (edit.) Arta teatrului. Traducere de Delia Voicu. București: Editura Nemira, 2004
Verdery, Katherine. “Faith, Hope, and Caritas în the land of the Pyramids”.Comparative Studies în Society and History. Vol.37, no.4 (Oct., 1995), pp.625-669. Published by: Cambridge University Press
Felseghi, Alexandra, „Teatrul documentar și relația lui cu istoria trăită”. Anuarul Institutului de Istorie „George Barițiu”, Series Historica. LIX/2020, pp. 663-669
The creative collectives of the two shows presented in the article:
Fabrici și Uzine/Factories and Plants, a production of The Center for The Study of Modernity and the Rural World in partnership with Museum of History and Art, Zalău, 2019
Production co-financed by Administration of Cultural National Fund (AFCN)
Dramaturgy: Alexandra Felseghi
Direction: Adina Lazăr
Scenography: Silviu Medeșan
Cast: Ioana Chițu, Simina Seliștean, Emanuel Cifor, Lucian Teodor Rus
Research consultants: Bianca Felseghi, Valer Simion Cosma
Poster: Paul Mureșan
Miracolul de la Cluj/Miracle of Cluj, a production of Reactor de Creație și Experiment/ Reactor of Creation and Experiment, within the programe Exercises of Democracy. Investigation of recent history, 2017
Co-financed by AFCN
Dramaturgy: Petro Ionescu
Direction: David Schwartz
Scenography: Anda Pop
Video: Daniel Răduțu
Cast: Oana Mardare, Lucia Mărneanu, Denisse Moise, Doru Taloș
Research assistant: Silvia Netedu
Illustrations: Lucia Mărneanu
Live music: Krisztina Sipos
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