globe artichoke, Cynara scolymus, phytoconstituents, bioactive compound, LC-ESI-MSAbstract
Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) is a well-known herb for its efficiency in the prevention/treatment of liver injuries, among other human chronic diseases. The aim of present study was to analyse the phytoconstituents content of aqueous and hydro-alcoholic extracts obtained from the leaves of artichoke. The chemomapping was carried out using UHPLC-ESI-MS. Several new and some known phytoconstituents were identified in the two type of extracts that have slightly different composition profiles. The newly found phytoconstituents in artichoke, plead for multiple health promoting effects that have presumably more stochastic than determinative features. Therefore, further experiments are needed using such extracts, and based on a system biology approach to clarify the complexity of beneficial effects of artichoke.
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