Pt(II)-complexes, -dioxime, amine ligand, thermal properties, spectroscopy, AFM, antimicrobial activityAbstract
A series of Pt-complexes of the type [Pt(DioxH)2L2], (DioxH= deprotonated diethyl-glyoxime, methyl-pentyl-glyoxime, methyl-propyl-glioxime, L=amine) were synthesized, described and characterized with thermoanalytical (TG-DTG-DTA), spectroscopical (FTIR, ESI-MS, UV-VIS and NMR), powder XRD and AFM methods. The biological activity, especially the antibacterial effect, was also studied. The complexes were tested against selected Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The thermoanalytical measurements revealed the stability of complexes until 200 °C, which then loose characteristic fragments of their ligands. The spectroscopic data are in accordance with the thermal properties of the samples, confirming their composition. The compounds exhibited antibacterial effect against the bacterial strain studied.
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