Metropolitan Cathedral Choir. 100 Years Since Its Foundation
diocesan choir, choral music, church choir, conductors, cathedral, centenaryAbstract
In 2022, the Choir of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Cluj-Napoca celebrated 100 years of uninterrupted activity in the field of church music. The centenary of the Cluj choir can be considered a particularly important event, both for the Transylvanian musical space and for the tradition of Romanian choral music. Founded in 1922, the Metropolitan Cathedral Choir has had an outstanding musical career, having performed countless religious concerts, cultural and missionary activities, and participated in religious and secular ceremonies. The recognition of the artistic contribution of the Metropolitan Choir is largely due to its prolific activity in the musical field, which has led to increased visibility, both locally and nationally. With a constant activity of 100 years, the Cathedral Choir has had at the conductor’s desk, but also among the choristers, outstanding personalities of Romanian music. Among those who have led its musical destiny we remember: Gheorghe Dima, Vasile Petrașcu, Augustin Bena, Sava Golumba, Ioan Brie, Vasile Stanciu. Through the prestige it has acquired over time, the Metropolitan Cathedral Choir has become a benchmark for church choirs in the Diocese of Vad, Feleac and Cluj, being a benchmark of mastery and virtuosity.
Assessment records of the Committee of the Choral Meeting “Choir of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Cluj”, May 18, 1927.
Assessment records of the Committee of the Choral Meeting “Choir of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Cluj”, February 24, 1928.
Assessment records of the Committee of the Choral Meeting “Choir of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Cluj”, October 16, 1929.
Assessment records of the Committee of the Choral Meeting “Choir of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Cluj”, November 21, 1930.
Assessment records of the Committee of the Choral Meeting “Men’s Choir of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Cluj”, May 31, 1922.
Assessment records of the Committee of the Choral Meeting “Men’s Choir of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Cluj”, March 28, 1923.
Assessment records of the Committee of the Choral Meeting “Men’s Choir of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Cluj”, March 29, 1922.
Assessment records of the General Assembly of the Choral Meeting “Men’s Choir of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Cluj”, 8 March 1922.
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