

Cultural factor, political factor, evaluation, conformation, opposition, support, transformation.


The Muzica journal – the only one specialized publication from the past century – during the historical decades, it has been submitted for a while to the political influences. Together with the cultural face of the pre-war (1916) and inter-war (1919-1925) periods, the political factor had a major influence of the post-war period (1950-1989). The acronym C-O-S-T characterizes the period in which the communism has transformed Romania into a “terror camp”. Thus, through Conformation the journal adopted the general political orientation, through Opposition it has declared the enmity towards old cosmopolitan influences, through Support promoted new musicians who rose up from the working class and through Transformation accepted the statute of the “new man”. The Muzica journal was – for decades – a cultural-political musical instrument in our country.



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How to Cite

ŞUTEU, C. (2016). “MUZICA” JOURNAL (1916-1989): THE C-O-S-T OF THE COMPROMISE WITH COMMUNIST REGIME. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Musica, 61(2), 71–88. Retrieved from https://studia.reviste.ubbcluj.ro/index.php/subbmusica/article/view/5161




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