dance of ethnographic type; traditional dance, theatre-dance, character dance, folklorism, referentiality, fictionality.Abstract
The article brings on again the relationship between the traditional dance (as object of representation) and its representations within the Romanian folklorism, analysis of the valorisation ways of the Romanian traditional dance revealing the underground or surface relations that the dance text has with the ideology, the political instruments and the safeguarding process. Revisiting concepts and specific terms, the analysis tries to recalibrate, where it is necessary, the terminology which serves the mentioned relationship, bringing it into an actuality in which it is necessary the need of an infusion of ethnographic methodology. The result of this approach is the proposal of the concept and the term “dance of ethnographic type” for one type of dance that belongs to the Romanian choreutic folklorism. In addition, the article is a plea for a paradigm change in the ways of valorisation of the traditional dances, a plea per excellentiam for the real professionalization of a field with a significant importance in the Romanian culture and economy.
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