Romanian Theatre as Public Service. A Critical Perspective of the Last Decades




National Theatre, Culture, Politics, Policies on culture


This paper aims at synthetizing, from a critical perspective, the trajectory of the Romanian subsidy scheme of performance - mainly theatre - institutions, over the last century. Our basic argument is that, despite all the major political changes which took place after the First and the Second World War, despite the succession of dominant ideologies, the subsidy scheme has mainly remained the same, although the amounts invested by the authorities have varied from a time to another. The below analysis focuses on the relation between the political project, the state apparatus (both central, and local), the legislative system, the economy, and mentalities, in an attempt to prove the strange conservatism of a unique administrative model, as well as the lack of vision of the various political regimes with regard to the public service dimension of theatre art.

Author Biography

Miruna RUNCAN, Faculty of Theatre and Television, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

MIRUNA RUNCAN is a writer, a theatre critic and a Professor PhD of the Theatre and Television Faculty at "Babes Boyai" University Cluj, Romania. Co-founder (with C.C. Buricea-Mlinarcic) of Everyday Life Drama Research and Creation Laboratory (awarded with a three-year National Grant for Research in 2009). Author of The Romanian Theatre Model, Bucharest: Unitext Publisging House, 2001; The Theatricalisation of Romanian Theatre. 1920-1960, Cluj: Eikon Publishing House, 2003; For a Semyothics of the Theatrical Performance, Cluj: Dacia Publishing House, 2005; The Sceptical’s Spectator’s Armchair, Bucharest: Unitext Publishing House, 2007; The Universe of Alexandru Dabija’s Performances, Limes Publishing House and Camil Petrescu Foundation, Bucharest 2010; Bunjee-Jumping. Short Stories, Cluj: Limes Publishing House, 2011; Enlove with Acting: 12 Actor’s Portraits, Bucharest: Limes Publishing House and Camil Petrescu Foundation, 2011; Signore Misterioso: an Anathomy of the Spectator, Bucharest: Unitext, 2011; Theatre Criticism. Whereto? Cluj University Press, 2015; Odeon 70 – An Adventure in Theatre History, Bucharest, Oscar Print, 2016.


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How to Cite

RUNCAN, M. (2018). Romanian Theatre as Public Service. A Critical Perspective of the Last Decades. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Dramatica, 63(1), 227–240.




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