Arguments for a Historical Examination of the Discourse of Theatre and Film Criticism




Theatre, Critical discourse, Hystory, Rethorics


Paradoxically, historical studies of performing arts seem to have seldom approached the manner of development of critical discourses; and this, despite the fact that the basic subject matter that comes to the aid of historiographers interested in arts (fewer and fewer of them can be seen in the academic environment of my activity) is given by critical discourses: leading articles, essays, reviews, investigative pieces, feature reports and interviews from this or that time. Very few researchers seem to have raised valid questions about the relationship between (artistic, theatrical…) creation and the critical discourses meant to represent and assess it. A simple web search including the keywords “theatre”, “history”, “theatre criticism”, “rhetoric” will expose the austerity of this field: such austerity may seem unfathomable, since, both from the viewpoint of the history of performing arts and from the viewpoint of the history of aesthetic, social, philosophical or political ideas, interactions are essential and their dynamics is almost impossible to ignore. This is why this article seeks to emphasize a number of primary themes, each of them potentially representing individual research stages that deserve subsequent systematic development.

Author Biography

Miruna RUNCAN, Faculty of Theatre and Television, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Miruna Runcan is a writer, a theatre critic and a Professor PhD of the Theatre and Television Faculty at "Babes Boyai" University Cluj, Romania. Co-founder (with C.C. Buricea-Mlinarcic) of Everyday Life Drama Research and Creation Laboratory (awarded with a three-year National Grant for Research in 2009). Author of The Romanian Theatre Model, Bucharest: Unitext Publisging House, 2001; The Theatricalisation of Romanian Theatre. 1920-1960, Cluj: Eikon Publishing House, 2003; For a Semyothics of the Theatrical Performance, Cluj: Dacia Publishing House, 2005; The Sceptical’s Spectator’s Armchair, Bucharest: Unitext Publishing House, 2007; The Universe of Alexandru Dabija’s Performances, Limes Publishing House and Camil Petrescu Foundation, Bucharest 2010; Bunjee-Jumping. Short Stories, Cluj: Limes Publishing House, 2011; Enlove with Acting: 12 Actor’s Portraits, Bucharest: Limes Publishing House and Camil Petrescu Foundation, 2011; Signore Misterioso: An Anathomy of the Spectator, Bucharest: Unitext, 2011; Theatre Criticism. Whereto? Cluj University Press, 2015; Odeon 70 – An Adventure in Theatre History, Bucharest, Oscar Print, 2016.


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How to Cite

RUNCAN, M. (2017). Arguments for a Historical Examination of the Discourse of Theatre and Film Criticism . Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Dramatica, 62(2), 9–22.




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