The Public Consciousness of the Transition


  • Iulia POPOVICI University of Arts, Târgu-Mureș, assistant professor at University of Craiova, Arts Departments, email:



post-communist transition, political theatre, independent theatre.


The decade following the Romanian Revolution, generally known as “the transition,” saw radical changes in the economic and social fabric of the country, with one apparent exception: the public theatre system. At the same time, the monopoly the winners of post-communism developed on the discourse about the transition and the traditional practices of cultural production delayed any artistic representation of that period for at least another decade. The article tackles the issue of this delayed public reflection on the long-term effects of the transition, how the theatre managed to preserve its own oblivion to these effects, and how the independent theatre of a new generation of artists engaged, after the financial crisis of 2008-2011, in a public reckoning of the ongoing legacy of the transition.

Author Biography

Iulia POPOVICI, University of Arts, Târgu-Mureș, assistant professor at University of Craiova, Arts Departments, email:

Iulia POPOVICI is a performing arts critic and curator based in Bucharest and also an expert for Romanian and EU cultural programmes. In 2016, she was counsellor and in 2021 she became State Secretary to the Romanian minister of Culture. She has published extensively about the alternative performing arts scene, collectives and artists in Romania and Eastern Europe, the social challenges of contemporary arts and the shifting in working practices. She is one of the founders of ATIC (Association of Trans-Sectorial Independent Cultural Workers), an advocacy organisation also offering tax and legal support to self-employed cultural workers. In 2011-2018, she was co-curator of the Independent Performing Arts Platform (Temps d’Images Festival, Cluj). She has curated a number of showcases and programmes of independent performing arts in Romania and abroad. The most recent publication: Metaphor. Concept. Protest. Performance Art in Romania and Moldova (with Raluca Voinea; Idea Design & Print/, 2017).


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How to Cite

POPOVICI, I. (2022). The Public Consciousness of the Transition. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Dramatica, 67(1), 119–140.




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