Using Archive Work in Live Stage-Directing
1960s and 1970s Romanian theatre performances, master class curriculum, Theodor-Cristian Popescu, University of Arts from Tirgu-Mures, performative essay.Abstract
This paper will present in a narrative form the documentary and the creative process followed by four young theatre directors while studying at the University of Arts from Tirgu-Mures as part of their master class program in Theatre Directing. Firstly, the reader will be familiarized with one of this master class curriculum’s assignments designed by Theodor-Cristian Popescu: to deliver a performative essay using as a starting point one famous Romanian theatre performance. Secondly, this presentation will record, for each of these students, the path from documents and archives to their exam/performance. The purpose will not be to evaluate or investigate the artistic value of these products. The focus will be guided towards the students’ approach while accessing archive documents and the transformations of all these materials in an artistic concept.References
Manolescu Borșa, Maria. “Valeriu Moisescu.” Dicționarul Multimedia al Teatrului Românesc 1 (July 15, 2020).
Popescu, Theodor-Cristian. Dinăuntru. Un curs masteral de regie a teatrului contemporan și o selecție de articole. Bucharest: Eikon, 2018.
Runcan, Miruna. “Cum vă place.” Dicționarul Multimedia al Teatrului Românesc 1 (July 15, 2020).
———. “Nepotul lui Rameau.” Dicționarul Multimedia al Teatrului Românesc 1 (July 15, 2020).
———. “Revizorul.” Dicționarul Multimedia al Teatrului Românesc 1 (July 15, 2020).
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