Resistance through Culture. Satirical Student Groups of the Last Decade of Communism and the Silence of Theatre Critics




theatre, cultural policies, camps humour, political humour, theatre criticism


In the ‘80s, satirical student groups, the so-called artistic “brigades”, were one of the most dynamic subversive artistic phenomena against the communist system. This paper aims to shine a light on the dimension of this phenomenon, to find explanations for the apparently privileged status enjoyed by such groups, as well as to clarify the reasons why theatre critics of the time so stubbornly ignored them.

Author Biography

Miruna RUNCAN, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Miruna RUNCAN is a writer, a theatre critic and a Professor PhD of the Theatre and Film Faculty at "Babes Boyai" University Cluj, Romania. Co-founder (with C.C. Buricea-Mlinarcic) of Everyday Life Drama Research and Creation Laboratory (awarded with a three-year National Grant for Research in 2009). Author of The Romanian Theatre Model, Bucharest: Unitext Publisging House, 2001; The Theatricalisation of Romanian Theatre. 1920-1960, Cluj: Eikon Publishing House, 2003; For a Semiotic of the Theatrical Performance, Cluj: Dacia Publishing House, 2005; The Sceptic Spectator’s Armchair, Bucharest: Unitext Publishing House, 2007; The Universe of Alexandru Dabija’s Performances, Limes Publishing House and Camil Petrescu Foundation, Bucharest 2010; Bungee-Jumping. Short Stories, Cluj: Limes Publishing House, 2011; Inlove with Acting: 12 Actor’s Portraits, Bucharest: Limes Publishing House and Camil Petrescu Foundation, 2011; Signore Misterioso: An Anatomy of the Spectator, Bucharest: Unitext, 2011; Theatre Criticism. Whereto?, Cluj University Press, 2015; Odeon 70 – An Adventure in Theatre History, Bucharest, Oscar Print, 2016; Theatre in Dioramas – The Romanian Theatre Criticism, 3 volumes, Bucharest, Tracus Arte Publishing (2019-2021).


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How to Cite

RUNCAN, M. (2021). Resistance through Culture. Satirical Student Groups of the Last Decade of Communism and the Silence of Theatre Critics. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Dramatica, 66(2), 111–134.




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