L’Archive Dionysos : une approche méthodologique à l’iconographie théâtrale





theatre iconography; history of theatre; performing arts; digital archive; cataloguing


The Dionysos Archive: a Methodological Approach to Theatre Iconography. The article illustrates the Dionysos Digital Archive of Theatrical Iconography, created by the research team of the University of Florence directed by Renzo Guardenti. The Dionysos Archive collects more than 22,000 images accompanied by cataloguing files, relating to the history of Performing Arts from Greek theatre to the first decades of the 20th century. The cataloguing of the images contained in the archive is based on criteria aimed at highlighting their theatrical specificity and responds to a historiographic perspective that privileges the visual dimension of the Performing Arts, of which iconographic documentation constitutes a source of primary importance.

Author Biography

Renzo GUARDENTI, University of Florence. renzo.guardenti@unifi.it

RENZO GUARDENTI is professor of History of Theatre at the University of Florence. He taught as a visiting professor at the Institut d’Études Théâtrale de l’Université de Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle and the Université de Caen-Basse Normandie. A specialist in Theatre iconography, the Commedia dell’Arte in France and the Théâtre de la Foire, he is also the scientific director of the digital archive of theatrical iconography Dionysos. His publications include Gli italiani a Parigi. La Comédie Italienne (1660-1697). Storia, pratica scenica, iconografia, Roma, Bulzoni, 1990 (2 vols.), Le fiere del teatro. Percorsi del teatro forain del primo Settecento. Con una scelta di commedie rappresentate alle Foires Saint-Germain e Saint-Laurent (1711-1715), Roma, Bulzoni, 1995, Attori di carta. Motivi iconografici dall’antichità all’Ottocento, Roma, Bulzoni, 2005, Sguardi sul teatro. Saggi di iconografia teatrale, Roma, Bulzoni, 2008, Teatro e arti figurative, in Il teatro e le altre arti, Roma, Carocci, 2017; In forma di quadro. Note di iconografia teatrale, Imola, Cue Press, 2020.


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Guardenti, Renzo. In forma di quadro. Note di iconografia teatrale, Imola, Cue Press, 2020.

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Sguardi sul teatro. Saggi di iconografia teatrale. Edited by Renzo Guardenti (Roma: Bulzoni, 2008).




How to Cite

GUARDENTI, R. (2021). L’Archive Dionysos : une approche méthodologique à l’iconographie théâtrale. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Dramatica, 66(2), 29–46. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbdrama.2021.2.03




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