


municipal water source, food water, zeolitic volcanic tuff, ionic exchange


For this study, a natural ionic exchanger (zeolitic volcanic tuff) and a synthetic anionic exchanger were considered, to remove iron and manganese ions, reduce COD, chlorides and conductivity values from water. It was worked with a zeolitic volcanic tuff cropped out from Macicas area, Romania, and a synthetic anionic exchanger Amberlite A-21. A groundwater and surface sources of drinking water from Ialomiţa-Muntenia (Romania) catchment were analysed, with iron and manganese contents (0.2527–0.3059 mg Fetot/L, 0.0234 mg Mn/L), COD (14.530–17.064 mg KMnO4/L), chlorides contents (170.95 mg/L), pH=7.70, and with electrical conductivity of 1433-1451 µS/cm. The ionic exchange process has been achieved in batch and continuous-flow conditions. The process was realized in static regime, with good results, the highest efficiencies for iron and manganese ions removal being 99% and 79-95%, respectively.


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How to Cite

BURCĂ, S. ., & INDOLEAN, C. . (2018). IONIC EXCHANGE STUDIES FOR CORRECTING WATER QUALITY INDICATORS. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Chemia, 63(3), 155–170.




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