inspiration, biblical texts, Karl Rahner, early church, authorship of the church, interac-tion between God and man.Abstract
Understanding the Doctrine of Inspiration of Karl Rahner: The Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures as a Moment of God’s Authorship of the Church. The belief in the inspiration, and thus in the authorship of God in the formation of the biblical texts was challenged in modern times by the natural and religious sciences. Since the 17th century until the mid-20th century, the question of inspiration has been reduced to the problem of inerrancy. Karl Rahner (1904-1984) presented a comprehensive new draft of the theology of inspiration a few years before the council, which attracted much attention. This work should contribute to a brief presentation of Rahner’s new design, embedded in the history of the Christian understanding of in-spiration and Rahner’s theology.
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