
  • Attila BODOR Professore associato; Università “Babeș-Bolyai” – Cluj Napoca; Facoltà di Teologia Romano-Cattolica, Istituto di Teologia Pastorale; RO-510009 Alba Iulia, Str. Gabriel Bethlen, Nr. 3; email: bodor.attila@icloud.com https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7748-3747




prophecy, Amos, visions, hymns, doxologies, literary forms.


Prophetic Visions and the Hymnic Verses in the Book of Amos. This essay will briefly examine two literary forms in the Book of Amos: the prophetic visions (Am 7,1-3.4-6.7-9; 8,1-3; 9,1-4) and the dox-ologies or hymns (Am 4,13; 5,8-9; 9,5-6). However, the purpose of the present research is not to engage in a historical-critical exegesis but to provide an interpretative framework highlighting the function of these passages within the Book of Amos. First, the five prophetical visions in Am 7-9 will be addressed, examining their particular aspects, such as their structure, classification, and impact. Second, the content, the literary con-text, and the literary purpose of the three doxologies will be studied, as-sessing the results of previous research.


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How to Cite

BODOR, A. (2019). LE VISIONI PROFETICHE E I VERSETTI INNICI NEL LIBRO DI AMOS. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Catholica Latina, 64(1), 5–20. https://doi.org/10.24193/theol.cath.latina.2019.LXIV.1.01




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