
  • László HOLLÓ Assoc. prof. dr. theol. habil., Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Roman Catholic Theology; RO–400095 Cluj-Napoca, Str. Iuliu Maniu, Nr. 5;



Diocese of Transylvania, Archdiocese of Alba Iulia, social issues, denominational education, orphanages, girls’ education


In the Transylvanian Diocese, just as in the universal Church, there is an underlying ambition to formulate practical answers to the era’s social issues through the various institutionalized forms of fraternal love. In this regard, the Roman Catholic Status of Transylvania and the education system directly maintained by the Diocese constitute the most significant factors. In addition, several other attempts may also be considered that have been trying to provide answers to the social issues of the past centuries. The present study is an investigation into the impact of the social documents of the Catholic Church on the Transylvanian Diocese, or the Diocese of Alba Iulia, lately also known as the Archdiocese.


Primary sources:

A Gyulafehérvári Főegyházmegye név- és címtára [The Register and Directory of the Archdiocese of Alba Iulia]. Cluj-Napoca, 2014.

Az Erdélyi Róm[ai] Kath[olikus] Státus igazgatótanácsának jelentése az 1917. november 22-ére összehívott státusgyűlés részére [Report of the Executive Board of the Roman Catholic Status of Transylvania Drawn Up for the Status Assembly Convened on 22 November 1917]. Cluj-Napoca, 1917.

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How to Cite

HOLLÓ, L. (2018). THE IMPACT OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH’S SOCIAL DOCTRINE. ON LIFE IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF ALBA IULIA. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Catholica Latina, 63(1), 38–51.




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