

Sabbath-commandment, Exodus, Holiness Code, Ezekiel, locution, accusation, redaction technique


This paper examines the thematic and literary correspondences between the Sabbath references (locutions) in the Book of Ezekiel and those attested in the Pentateuch. The analysis focuses on the literary and redaction techniques used to interpret, integrate and re-contextualize the Sabbath locutions into the new textual environment. I argue that the application of the Sabbath commandment was part of Ezekiel’s strategy to tackle the exile and to shape the identity of the exiles.


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How to Cite

LUKÁCS, O. (2016). SCRUTINIZING THE SABBATH COMMANDMENTS IN THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Catholica Latina, 61(1), 5–42. Retrieved from


