
  • Diana V. BURLACU Faculty of Letters, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email: dianav.burlacu@gmail.com




CEFR; communication; language; lexicology; learning strategy; meaning; mental lexicon; Romanian vocabulary; semantics.


Words in (Every)one’s Mind. Tips and Tricks on Romanian Lexis Acquisition. Words, be they viewed as separate entities, semantically related or connected in utterances, represent the basis of a language and, extensively, of communication. Due to the world knowledge we all share, to which several social features are added, humans basically ‘speak’ the same ‘language’, assumed as a series of common-sense (non-)verbal actions. It goes without saying that communicators understand each other mostly by means of a common language; once they intend to transfer their thoughts into a foreign language, overlapping, misunderstandings or breaches of communication may occur. Such linguistic facts represent the premise of the present study, which aims to survey certain differences between native and non-native speakers, the focus being the Romanian language (as a foreign language). A peculiar Balkan Romance language, with Slavic, Greek and Turkish influences, the Romanian language has intrigued different speakers from all over the world, both by its lexis and its grammar. Out of practical considerations, merely the Romanian vocabulary is examined here, and particularly the A1-A2 speakers (in accordance with the CEFR, The Common European Framework for Languages) are addressed, since it is the beginners who typically encounter many linguistic hardships. Certain pragmatic learning strategies (validated through research and teaching experience) are collected in the study, meant to represent a useful (yet not extensive) tool for anyone interested. Naturally, relevant examples are provided, in a gradual approach from simple to complex, such degrees encompassing phonetics, semantics and pragmatics.

Rezumat. Cuvintele din mintea noastră. Strategii şi tehnici de achiziţie a vocabularului limbii române. Cuvintele, indiferent dacă sunt privite ca unităţi distincte, relaţionate paradigmatic sau sintagmatic, reprezintă structura de bază a unei limbi, dar şi a comunicării, în general. Datorită cunoştinţelor despre lume pe care fiecare le are, cărora li se adaugă diverse particularităţi sociale, oamenii ‘vorbesc’, de fapt, aceeaşi ‘limbă’, percepută ca o serie de acţiuni (non-)verbale, de bun simţ. Este de la sine înţeles faptul că o limbă comună facilitează comunicarea; odată ce se doreşte exprimarea într-o limbă străină, participanţii la procesul comunicativ se pot confrunta cu diferite neajunsuri, cum ar fi suprapunerile semantice, interpretările eronate sau chiar lipsa oricărei comunicări. Astfel de fapte lingvistice constituie premisa lucrării de faţă, care îşi propune să abordeze diferenţele dintre vorbitorii nativi şi cei nonnativi, cu referire la limba română (ca limbă străină), singura limbă romanică din spaţiul balcanic, având influenţe slave, greceşti şi turceşti, asemenea particularităţi lexicale şi gramaticale intrigând diferiţi vorbitori din întreaga lume. Din considerente practice, doar lexicul limbii române este supus examinării aici, îndeosebi primele niveluri de competenţă lingvistică, A1-A2 (aşa cum se stipulează în CECR - Cadrul european comun de referinţă pentru limbi), din moment ce începătorii se confruntă cu cele  mai multe dificultăţi de ordin lingvistic. Studiul de faţă oferă strategii practice de învăţare (validate prin studii de specialitate, dar şi prin experienţa concretă de predare), constituindu-se, credem noi, într-un instrument valoros (chiar dacă nu complet) pentru toţi cei interesaţi. În plus, nu lipsesc exemple relevante ale observaţiilor teoretice, care pornesc de la simplu la complex, acoperind nu doar fonetica, ci în special semantica şi pragmatica.

Cuvinte-cheie: CECR; comunicare; limbaj; lexicologie; strategii de învăţare; sens; lexicon mental; limba română; vocabular; semantică

Author Biography

Diana V. BURLACU, Faculty of Letters, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Email: dianav.burlacu@gmail.com

Diana-Viorela Burlacu, Ph.D, is a teaching assistant within the Department of Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization, Faculty of Letters, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She has been teaching EFL and RFL (Romanian as a foreign language) A1-B2-level courses to the preparatory year students, various scholarship holders and to the International Summer Courses of Romanian Language and Civilization students. Author of A Pragmatic Approach to Pinteresque Drama (2011, Cluj-Napoca) and co-author of Antonime, Sinonime, Analogii (1st ed., 2011, Bucharest; 2nd ed., 2013, Cluj-Napoca). Her main areas of interest are: RFL/RSL, lexicology, semantics, pragmatics, translations and interculturalism (dianav.burlacu@gmail.com).


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Lightbown, Patsy M.; Spada, Nina (1993). How Languages are Learned. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Pavičić Takač, Višnja (2008). Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Foreign Language Acquisition. Clevedon • Buffalo • Toronto: MULTILINGUAL MATTERS LTD.

Thornbury, Scott (2005). How to Teach Vocabulary. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.

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http://www.englishprofile.org/wordlists, Copyright 2015 Cambridge University Press, Updated: November 2016.

http://video.elearning.ubbcluj.ro, Copyright 2014-2015 Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca.




How to Cite

BURLACU, D. V. (2017). “WORDS IN (EVERY)ONE’S MIND”. TIPS AND TRICKS ON ROMANIAN LEXIS ACQUISITION. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia, 62(2), 43–52. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbphilo.2017.2.03




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