choral Church music, Carmen choir, mixed choir music, sound harmony, repertoire, scores, Liturgy, manuscripts.Abstract
In 1970, I.B.M.B.O.R. (The Missionary Biblical Institute of the Romanian Orthodox Church) published “Hymns of the Divine Liturgy arranged for mixed chorus”. This work contains only 50 hymns – just a small section of the composer’s creation. Nicolae Lungu, the author of the foreword on this edition, mentioned: “many hymns were issued in booklets, handbooks and musical periodicals; other hymns were preserved in manuscript, waiting to be published” (Gheorghe Cucu, Cântările Sfintei Liturghii..., (Holy Liturgy Songs...), Bucharest, 1970, p. IV). In this study we refer to the manuscripts kept in the Romanian Academy Library. Albeit much of Cucu’s musical scores were published and were shared by most of the Romanian and Diaspora choirs, there still remains an unexplored part of Cucu’s creation that completes the image of his personality as composer, conductor and professor.
a. Biblioteca Academiei Române - Cabinetul de muzică, fișier si arhiva de manuscrise – Gheorghe Cucu;
b. Arhiva Arhiepiscopiei Bucureştilor, dosar 387/1930;
c. Colecția Viorel Cosma - collection (7 plicuri în biblioraftul muzicologului despre Gh. Cucu – 7 envelopes in the mucian biblio-cabinet about Gh. Cucu);
Cosma, Viorel, Muzicieni din România – Lexicon bio-bibliografic (Musicians in Romania – Bio-Bibliographical Lexicon),Vol.2, Bucharest 1999, pp. 124-128;
Cucu, Gheorghe, Cântările Sfintei Liturghii, București, 1970.
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Vasilescu, Gheorghe, Documente inedite privitoare la viaţa şi activitatea compozitorului Gheorghe Cucu (Surprising Documents Regarding the Life and Activity of Composer Gheorghe Cucu), în „Biserica Ortodoxă Română” (ROC), C(1982), no. 7-9, pp.719-730;
Velea, Rev. Marin, In memoriam: compozitorul, profesorul şi dirijorul Gheorghe Cucu (In memoriam: composer, professor and conductor Gheorghe Cucu), in „Glasul Bisericii” XLI (1982), no.11-12, pp.936-940.
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