
  • Martin DAHL Assistant Professor PhD, Department of International Relations, Faculty of Economics and Management, , Lazarski University, Warsaw, Poland. Email:
  • Yelyzaveta SKOMOROKHOVA MA student, Faculty of Economics and Management, Lazarski University, Warsaw, Poland. Email:



Referendum in UK, Brexit, Balance of Power, European Integration


This article is an analysis of the consequences of Britain's withdrawal from the European Union. The outcome of the referendum held in the UK in 2016 will bring about significant changes to the European Union and to the relations between states. This article reviews how Brexit will affect the balance between the countries that will remain in the European Union. The study consists of six parts. It starts with the introduction. Subsequently, it presents a category of balance of power as the foundation for the functioning of the European Union, the role of UK in European Union, the reasons for referendum in 2016 and shows the consequences of Brexit for European countries. The study ends with the summary of the most important conclusions.


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How to Cite

DAHL, M. ., & SKOMOROKHOVA, Y. . (2017). THE BALANCE OF POWER IN THE EUROPEAN UNION AFTER BREXIT. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Studia Europaea, 62(3), 267–284.




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