About the Journal
ISSN (print): 1224-8746
ISSN (online): 2065-9563
ISSN-L: 1224-8746
Subject: European Studies Journal
Text in: English, German, French
Abstract and Keywords in: English
Year of the first edition: 1996
Periodicity: half-yearly (July, December);
Type of the publication: scientific/academic
Editors: Prof. Dr. habil. Sergiu MIŞCOIU, Conf. Dr. Laura HERȚA,
Conf. Dr. Adrian CORPĂDEAN
(Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
E-mails: miscoiu@yahoo.com; laura.herta@ubbcluj.ro; adrian.corpadean@ubbcluj.ro
Fully Open Access: Yes
Publication fees: None