Peer Review Procedure

-Review Mode: Anonymous Reviewer/Anonymous Author (double blind peer review).
-Reviewers will not be given access to the submission file until they have agreed to review it.
-Reviewers be sent a secure link in the email invitation, which will allow them to access the review without logging in. Access to other pages requires them to log in.
Number of weeks to accept or decline a review request: 2.
-Weeks allowed to complete the review: 4.
-We do not accept articles that have been published or submitted for publication in other journals.

Please fill in the online Evaluation form. The comments will be made available to authors. The final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript will be made by the Subject Editor. 


Review Form (form for send by email):

„Babeş‐Bolyai” University of Cluj‐Napoca, Faculty of European Studies
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Europaea
Academic Journal



Paper title:

Author(s): Anonymous for the reviewer

Referee’s comments:

Suggestions to the referee:

Answer the 4 questions below,
Briefly state your version of the contribution being made, and
Indicate the author any corrections which should be made and describe how the paper can be improved with revisions or rewriting.

Question no. 1. Does the Introduction state the purpose of the paper?

Question no. 2. Is the significance of the paper explained relative to previous work?

Question no. 3. Is the paper clearly written and well organized?

Question no. 4. Does the paper make a tangible contribution to the state of the art in its field?

Suggestions for improving the paper:

Minor suggestions:

Final recommendation (please choose between the variants below):

  1. To be published as such
  2. To be published only when the above-mentioned recommendations are implemented
  3. Not to be published, the article needs to be extensively re-written before being submitted again.