“Paradissolution” – Ritual Communion within the Spectator- Performer Frame in “Parallel”


  • Beatrice LĂPĂDAT Université Laval, Québec, PhD candidate, e-mail: beatrice.lapadat@gmail.com


Parallel, Dante, torture, guilt, empathy, nudity, gender performativity, queer.


The aim of this paper is to investigate the performative strategies employed by the authors of Parallel (2013), Sinkó Ferenc and Leta Popescu, in order to generate new forms of communication between artists (Lucia Mărneanu and kata-bodoki halmen) and spectators. The relationship between performers and spectators ranges from an initial recoil and fear to full empathy, achieved by means of traumatic narratives as well as through irony, humour and ”gender performativity”, to use Judith Butler’s terminology (Judith Butler, 2006). I constructed my discourse around the hypothesis according to which the communion between spectators and performers can be traced by following the pattern established by Dante Alighieri in his Divine Comedy. I view Parallel as a journey that can be segmented in three stages, also explored by Dante throughout Hell, Purgatory and Paradise, implying the exposure of a tortured-torturous body, of nudity, a phase of relief and one of what I called “Paradissolution”.

Author Biography

Beatrice LĂPĂDAT, Université Laval, Québec, PhD candidate, e-mail: beatrice.lapadat@gmail.com

BEATRICE LĂPĂDAT graduated in 2010 from the Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest. She is currently a PhD student in literature within the same institution, working on a thesis entitled ‹‹Mutilation and violence in the representation of contemporary corporeality››, coordinated by Professor Ion Bogdan Lefter. She also begun a Phd program in Theatre, at Université Laval, Québec in 2005. Presently, she signs theatre, dance and performance reviews for publications and cultural platforms such as Cultura, Luceafărul, LiterNet and Art Act Magazine. Her interests in arts consist mainly in social theatre, gender-centred performance and contemporary dance.


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How to Cite

LĂPĂDAT, B. (2015). “Paradissolution” – Ritual Communion within the Spectator- Performer Frame in “Parallel”. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Dramatica, 65(2), 101–122. Retrieved from https://studia.reviste.ubbcluj.ro/index.php/subbdramatica/article/view/4455




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