hot dip galvanized steel reinforcement, concrete, corrosion, calcium hydroxizincateAbstract
The quality of concrete structures is largely reflected by its durability. According to literature, the rebar corrosion initiation is delayed and the life duration of concrete structures reinforced with hot dip galvanized rebar is extended with up to 70 years compared to life duration of concrete structures reinforced with non-galvanized steel rebar. It is well known that the galvanized rebar surface activates in contact with the alkaline environment of fresh concrete, forming a crystalline compound namely calcium hydroxizincate. This crystalline compound is important for the kinetic and corrosion mechanism of rebar embedded in concrete. This work aims to evidence the galvanized rebar corrosion kinetics in fresh concrete, during the concrete hardening. Electrochemical methods were used during experiments. The test results show an activation of the zinc layer of galvanized rebar in contact with the alkaline environment of concrete, during the first days after rebar embedding in concrete. Zinc corrosion products formation lead to better corrosion resistance of galvanized steel rebar, compared to the resistance of non-galvanized steel rebar.
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