Tanacetum, parthenolide, antioxidant activity, tryptophan, serotonin, melatonin.Abstract
The important molecule tryptophan and its derivatives serotonin and melatonin have vital functions in human and plant biosystem. Recent reports claimed these molecules and parthenolide may also have a role in COVID-19 treatments. Herewith the study, contents of chlorogenic acid, cynarin, quinic acid, parthenolide, and tryptophan derivatives in leaf and flowers of seven species of Tanacetum from Turkey were examined using HPLC. The methanolic extracts of the species were also screened for their total phenolic content and DPPH scavenging activity. Regarding to HPLC data, the highest amount of chlorogenic acid and cynarin were detected in T. cilicicum, quinic acid in T. densum subsp. amani and parthenolide in T. argenteum subsp. argenteum leaves. Also, the highest amount of tryptophan and serotonin were estimated in T. argenteum subsp. argenteum. Melatonin content was highest in T. densum subsp. amani. All Tanacetum species exhibited potent antioxidant activities. T. densum subsp. amani (Afşin) flowers had higher DPPH activity than control group BHT and T. cilicicum leaves and flowers had the highest total phenolic content. Herewith, phenolic profiles of T. argenteum subsp. argenteum, T. armenum and T. densum subsp. amani and tryptophan derivates of the species were reported for the first time.
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