
  • Adrian PATRUT Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 11 Arany Janos, RO-400028, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; Babeş-Bolyai University, Raluca Ripan Institute for Research in Chemistry, 30 Fantanele, RO-400294 Cluj-Napoca, Romania. *Corresponding author:
  • Roxana T. PATRUT Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 11 Arany Janos, RO-400028, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  • Victor BOCOS-BINTINTAN Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, 30 Fantanele, RO-400294 Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  • Ileana-Andreea RATIU Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 11 Arany Janos, RO-400028, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; Babeş-Bolyai University, Raluca Ripan Institute for Research in Chemistry, 30 Fantanele, RO-400294 Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  • Laszlo RAKOSY Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology and Geology, 44 Republicii, RO-400015, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
  • George ZDROB Campulung Moldovenesc City Hall, 2 22 Decembrie 1989, RO-72510 Campulung Moldovenesc, Romania.
  • Eufrosina VANCA Independence High School, 4 Horia, Closca si Crisan, RO-205200 Calafat, Romania.
  • Karl F. VON REDEN NOSAMS Facility, Dept. of Geology & Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543, U.S.A.



AMS radiocarbon dating, Ulmus minor, Ulmus glabra, dendrochronology, age determination, Romania.


The paper reports the AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) radiocarbon investigation results of two superlative elms from Romana, the very large field elm of Calafat, with a wood volume of 85 m3, and the wych elm of Sadova. Two wood samples were extracted from each elm and were analysed by AMS radiocarbon. The oldest dated sample from the elm of Calafat had a radiocarbon date of 350 ± 19 BP, which corresponds to a calibrated age of 415 ± 25 years, while the oldest sample from the elm of Sadova had a radiocarbon date of 188 ± 24 BP, corresponding to a calibrated age of 260 ± 25 years. These values indicate high ages for the two elms, namely 430 ± 25 years or the elm of Calafat and 400 ± 25 years for the elm of Sadova.


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How to Cite

PATRUT, . A., PATRUT, R. T., BOCOS-BINTINTAN, V., RATIU, I.-A., RAKOSY, L., ZDROB, G., … VON REDEN, K. F. (2022). RADIOCARBON INVESTIGATION OF TWO OLD ELMS FROM ROMANIA. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Chemia, 67(1), 245–256.




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