AMS radiocarbon dating, Adansonia digitata, tropical trees, age determination, inner cavity, multiple stemsAbstract
The paper discloses the radiocarbon investigation results of the Luna tree, a representative African baobab from Venetia Limpopo Nature Reserve, South Africa. Several wood samples collected from deep incisions in the trunk were investigated by AMS (accelerator mass spectrometry) radiocarbon dating. The age sequence of segments extracted from the oldest sample demonstrates that ages increase with the distance into the wood up to a point of maximum age, after which ages decrease toward the sample end. This anomaly is typical for multi-stemmed baobabs, having a closed ring-shaped structure with a false cavity inside. Dating results reveal that each of the two large, fused units, which build the Luna tree, consist of such a closed ring. The two closed rings include two interconnected false inner cavities. False cavities are empty spaces between fused stems that were never filled with wood. We named this baobab architecture, which has a very high symmetry, double closed ring-shaped structure with two false cavities. The new architecture, which is very uncommon, enables baobabs to reach large sizes and very old ages. The radiocarbon date of the oldest sample segment was 1507 ± 22 bp, which corresponds to a calibrated age of 1405 ± 20 yr. We estimate that the oldest part of Luna tree has an age of 1600 ± 100 yr. By these results, the Luna tree becomes the fourth oldest African baobab with accurate dating results.
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