
  • Mihaela MUDURE Facultatea de Litere UBB. Email: michaela.mudure@ubbcluj.ro https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0930-9050
  • Sarka LHOTSKA Technical University in Liberec, Czech Republic. Contact address: <sarka.lhotska@gmail.com>
  • Lenka TREUTNEROVA Technical University in Liberec, Czech Republic. Contact address <lenka.treutnerova@seznam.cz>.




Scotland, Poland, Transylvania, identity, transnational, Emily Gerard, Emilia Lungu-Puhallo, Mary Grant-Rossetti, journey, ethnicity.


Emily Gerard: From Scotland to Transnational Identity. This essay focuses on the transnational connections of Emily Gerard (1845-1905), a very interesting Scottish woman writer who lived most of her life in Austria-Hungary. Comparisons are made with Mary (Maria) Grant-Rossetti (another Scottish expatriate writer) and Emilia Lungu-Puhallo (a Romanian female writer). Gerard’s most famous work, The Land beyond the Forest, as well as two of Gerard’s novels located in Poland, are analyzed predominantly from the point of view of the author’s transnational identifications. Our approach is meant to find the specific ways in which (post-) colonialism affects Gerard’s female gaze.

REZUMAT. Emily Gerard: din Scoția, spre identitate transnațională. Acest eseu se concentrează asupra legăturilor transnaţionale ale lui Emily Gerard (1845-1905), o foarte interesantă scriitoare scoţiană care a trăit mare parte a vieţii sale în Austro-Ungaria. Se fac comparaţii cu Mary (Maria) Grant-Rosetti (o altă scriitoare scoţiană expatriată) şi Emilia Lungu-Puhallo (o scriitoare româncă). Se analizează, din punctul de vedere al identificărilor auctoriale transnaţionale, cea mai cunoscută lucrare a lui Gerard, The Land beyond the Forest, precum şi două romane ale lui Gerard plasate în Polonia. Perspectiva noastră e menită a găsi modalităţile specifice prin care (post-) colonialismul influenţează privirea feminină a lui Gerard.

Cuvintele cheie: Scoţia, Polonia, Transilvania, identitate, transnaţional, Emily Gerard, Emilia Lungu-Puhallo, Mary Grant-Rossetti, călătorie, etnicitate.

Author Biographies

Mihaela MUDURE, Facultatea de Litere UBB. Email: michaela.mudure@ubbcluj.ro

Facultatea de Litere UBB. Email: michaela.mudure@ubbcluj.ro

Sarka LHOTSKA, Technical University in Liberec, Czech Republic. Contact address: <sarka.lhotska@gmail.com>

Technical University in Liberec, Czech Republic. Contact address: <sarka.lhotska@gmail.com>

Lenka TREUTNEROVA, Technical University in Liberec, Czech Republic. Contact address <lenka.treutnerova@seznam.cz>.

Technical University in Liberec, Czech Republic. Contact address <lenka.treutnerova@seznam.cz>.


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Mudure, Mihaela. “Emily Gerard: Transnational Perspectives and Connections.” Transnational Identities of Women Writers in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Edited by Ramona Mihăilă. New York: Addleton Academic Publishers, 2013, pp. 210-221.

---. “Ouida: Victorianism and Passion” [“Ouida: victorianism şi pasiune”] De la victorianism la postmodernism. In memoriam Ileana Galea. Coordonator: Mihaela Mudure. Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2013, pp. 133-144.

Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice. http://shakespeare.mit.edu/merchant/full.html

Stoker, Bram. The Lost Journals of Bram Stoker. The Dublin Years. Edited by Elizabeth Russell and Dacre Stoker. London: Robson Press, 2012.

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How to Cite

MUDURE, M., LHOTSKA, S., & TREUTNEROVA, L. (2017). EMILY GERARD: FROM SCOTLAND TO TRANSNATIONAL IDENTITY. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia, 62(1), 81–100. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbphilo.2017.1.06




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