

life-reform, youth movement, music pedagogy, Kodály’s pedagogical conception, youth musical movement


The loosely interrelated life-reform movements that emerged in Europe at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries intended to create a human-centred world. In the counter-culture movement the role of music was important: on the one hand it appeared in the reform pedagogy (music pedagogies), on the other hand in the youth movements (youth musical movements). The new musical conceptions that appeared within life-reform are closely related to the “newly discovered” youth. The counter-culture of young people confronting the adult world has brought something new in the world of music as well. Furthermore, the reform pedagogical initiatives have created the demand for renewal within music pedagogy. In our study, we present the musical ambitions appearing between the two world wars within the Hungarian Singing Youth movement and the Hungarian Scout Association, as well as within the Wandervogel movement before the First World War and within the German youth musical movement that evolved between the two world wars. The studying of the musical movements has brought us to the conclusion that the Singing Youth can be defined as an autonomous youth musical movement.


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How to Cite

PETHŐ, V. (2011). YOUTH MUSICAL MOVEMENTS BETWEEN THE TWO WORLD WARS. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Musica, 56(2), 85–108. Retrieved from




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