pianist-performer, artistic energy, piano repertoire, interpretation, performing style.Abstract
The problem field of this article consists of learning the essence of the phenomenon of artistic energy and understanding the performing repertoire as one of the ways of its objectification. Each component of the specified subject of study has its own problem, which is also subject to development. The choice of the proposed subject of scientific cognition is motivated by the desire to understand the phenomenon of the subject of performing interpretative activity. An important factor in its study is the disclosure of the artistic properties of the pianist’s personality, which contributes to the establishment of contact between the concert performer and the listening audience. A little-studied aspect of the analytical consideration of artistic energy remains the question of methods of its objectification, which is the subject of the proposed article. It is stipulated by the perspective of the direction of modern musicology related to the scientific development of the performing repertoire. The location of the selected research subject at the intersection of the named scientific contexts is designed to understand the various properties of the subject of the performing activity as a component of a single system. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to substantiate the idea of the performers’ repertoire preferences as a reflection of their artistic energy.References
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