


transfer effects of music learning, neurological background of music learning, music education


Since the second half of the 20th century, there has been an increasing number of studies on the transfer effects of music learning. There is considerable scientific research in both the national and international literature to support the transfer effects of music learning in different areas of life. In Hungary, these researches started at the instigation of Zoltán Kodály, who saw the observable effects of learning music in several areas. He also considered it important to present scientifically supported results, which is why research on the transfer effect marked by the name of Klára Kokas was started in Hungary. While previously the phenomenon could only be described based on cross-sectional or longitudinal surveys, thanks to technological development we could observe the active areas of the brain during various activities, during which we can interpret the causes of the transfer effects affecting different areas supported by MRI images. During my presentation, I will outline the results of these researches, objectively confirming the reasons behind the transfer effects created by learning music. This gives us the opportunity to learn about the results of research that started from Kodály’s foundations and is nowadays showing an increasingly complex picture.


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How to Cite

SZŰCS, T. . (2023). THE TRANSFER EFFECTS OF LEARNING MUSIC AND THEIR UNDERLYING CAUSES. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Musica, 68(1), 185–202.




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