
  • Alexandra MARINESCU Music Teacher at the Sports Highschool in Cluj-Napoca, and Violin Teacher of the Music Camp International Program. E-mail:


Gregorian chant, manuscript, Transylvania, sacred music, Marian devotion, Alleluia, transcriptions.


The main idea of the study is hidden in the passion for Gregorian music. Each manuscript is unique and offers hidden clues about the region and the local culture of the area in which the manuscript was conceived. This study proposes an analysis of the Alleluia sequence reflected in the Gradual manuscript form Şumuleu Ciuc - A.V.5. This particular manuscript is devoted to special feasts. For better understanding, the study will offer all the transcriptions of the Alleluia sequences that are specific to the Marian devotion and the feasts that honour the course of her earthly life. The paper has different approaches justified by the need of understanding the impact of the Gregorian chant and the way that it influences musical language in the area of Transylvania.


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Online resources – Codices Electronici Sangallense – facsimiles virtual library

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How to Cite

MARINESCU, A. (2016). THE GRADUAL FROM ŞUMULEU CIUC, ARCHIVE CLASSIFICATION A.V. 5. ALLELUIA PIECES WITH MARIAN THEMES. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Musica, 61(2), 169–202. Retrieved from




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