PC-Asymptotically almost automorphic mild solutions for impulsive integro-differential equations with nonlocal conditions


  • Nadia IKHLEF Laboratory of Mathematics, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel-Abbes, P.O. Box 89, Sidi Bel-Abbes 22000, Algeria e-mail: nadia.ikhlef92@gmail.com https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7865-4395
  • Abdelhamid BENSALEM Laboratory of Mathematics, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel-Abbes, P.O. Box 89, Sidi Bel-Abbes 22000, Algeria e-mail: bensalem.abdelhamid@yahoo.com https://orcid.org/0009-0008-9169-148X
  • Abdelkrim SALIM Faculty of Technology, Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef, P.O. Box 151 Chlef 02000, Algeria e-mail: salim.abdelkrim@yahoo.com https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2795-6224
  • Mouffak BENCHOHRA Laboratory of Mathematics, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel-Abbes, P.O. Box 89, Sidi Bel-Abbes 22000, Algeria e-mail: benchohra@yahoo.com https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3063-9449
  • Sara LITIMEIN Laboratory of Mathematics, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel-Abbes, P.O. Box 89, Sidi Bel-Abbes 22000, Algeria e-mail: sara-litimein@yahoo.fr https://orcid.org/0009-0006-5911-8443




Asymptotically almost automorphic, fixed point theorem, integro-differential equation, impulsive, measures of noncompactness, mild solution, resolvent operator, nonlocal condition


In this article, we study the existence of PC-asymptotically almost automorphic mild solutions of integro-differential equations with nonlocal conditions via resolvent operators in Banach space. Further, we give sufficient conditions for the solutions to depend continuously on the initial condition. Finally, an example is given to validate the theory part.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 47H10, 45J05, 47H08, 35D30, 47B40.

Received 21 July 2023; Accepted 04 September 2023.


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How to Cite

IKHLEF, N., BENSALEM, A., SALIM, A., BENCHOHRA, M., & LITIMEIN, S. (2025). PC-Asymptotically almost automorphic mild solutions for impulsive integro-differential equations with nonlocal conditions. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Mathematica, 70(1), 127–143. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbmath.2025.1.09




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