Monotonicity with respect to p of the best constants associated with Sobolev immersions of type W ₀¹,ᵖ (Ω) '→ Lq(Ω) when q ∈ {1, p, ∞}
p-Laplacian, p-torsional rigidity, distance function to the boundary.Abstract
The goal of this paper is to collect some known results on the mono-tonicity with respect to p of the best constants associated with Sobolev immersions.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 35Q74, 47J05, 47J20, 49J40, 49S05.
Received 18 November 2022; Revised 24 January 2023. Published Online: 2023-03-20. Published Print: 2023-04-30
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