Coplexes in abelian categories


  • Flaviu POP Babe¸s-Bolyai University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Cluj-Napoca, Romania, e-mail:



Adjoint functors, duality, projective resolution, coplex.


Starting with a pair F : A +== B : G of additive contravariant functors which are adjoint on the right, between abelian categories, and with a class U , we define the notion of (F, U )-coplex. Considering a reflexive object U of A with F(U ) = V projective object in B, we construct a natural duality between the category of all (F, add(U ))-coplexes in A and the subcategory of B consisting in all objects in B which admit a projective resolution with all terms in the class add(V ).

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 16E30, 16D90.


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How to Cite

POP, F. (2017). Coplexes in abelian categories. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Mathematica, 62(1), 3–13.


