De la théâtralité des manifestes dadaïstes


  • Ion POP Académie Roumaine; Université Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca,


Dada, Tzara, theatricality, manifestos, clown, poetry.


On the Theatricality of Dadaist Manifestos. This paper tries to emphasize the theatricality of the Dadaist manifestos written by Tristan Tzara, linking it to the discoveries of poets such as Jules Laforgue or the futurists. A focus is put on the figure of the poet as clown, as buffoon, taking into account Jean Starobinski’s work Portrait de l’artiste en saltimbanque. The freedom of expression, the irony, the double language and the multiple linguistic games are all of them clear signs of the aforementioned theatricality.

Author Biography

Ion POP, Académie Roumaine; Université Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca,

ION POP (b. 1941) is member of the Romanian Academy and Professor at Babeş-Bolyai University. He devoted many years to the study of the avant-garde and especially to dadaism and surrealism. He published several books on these topics: Avangardismul poetic românesc (1969), Avangarda în literatura română (1990, 2000), A scrie şi a fi. Ilarie Voronca şi metamorfozele poeziei (1993, 2007), Gellu Naum. Poezia contra literaturii (2001), La réhabilitation du rêve. Une anthologie de l’avant-garde littéraire roumaine (2006), Introducere în avangarda literară românească (2007), Din avangardă spre ariergardă (2010), Avangarda românească (antologie, 2015).


BUOT François, Tristan Tzara. L’homme qui inventa la révolution Dada, Paris, Grasset, 2002.

BÉHAR Henri, Tristan Tzara, Paris, Oxus, 2005.

BÉHAR Henri, Étude sur le théâtre Dada et surréaliste, Paris, Gallimard, 1971.

GRISI Francesco (a cura di), I futuristi, Roma, Newton Compton Editori, 1994.

HENTEA Marius, Tata Dada. Adevărata viaţă şi celestele aventuri ale lui Tristan Tzara, Bucureşti, Tracus Arte, 2016.

IONESCO Eugène, Notes et contre-notes, Paris, Gallimard, 1959.

STAROBINSKI Jean, Le portrait de l’artiste en saltimbanque, Paris, Flammarion, Genève, Albert Skira, 1970

Tristan Tzara, l’homme approximatif. Poète, écrivain d’art, collectionneur, Musées de la ville de Strasbourg, 2015.

TZARA Tristan, Œuvres complètes, tome 1, 1912-1924, Texte établi, présenté et annoté par Henri Béhar, Paris, Flammarion, 1975.




How to Cite

POP, I. (2016). De la théâtralité des manifestes dadaïstes. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Dramatica, 61(2), 9–18. Retrieved from


