Benjamin Fondane et Walter Benjamin : deux approches du cinéma nourries de Dada


  • Ioan POP-CURŞEU Faculty of Theatre and Television, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, e-mail:


Benjamin Fondane, Walter Benjamin, Dadaism, cinema, avant-garde.


Benjamin Fondane and Walter Benjamin: Two Approaches of Cinema Born from Dada. This paper aims at comparing two different approaches of cinema inspired by the artistic experiences of Dadaism. Benjamin Fondane, besides promoting internationally the films of European avant-garde movements (Man Ray, René Clair, Henri Gad, Germaine Dulac), wrote some critical texts and some poems (Trois scenarii. Ciné-poèmes, 1928) shaped on Dadaist patterns. Fondane also directed Tararira (1936) – a lost movie, which is considered here the last great project of Dadaist cinema. As for Walter Benjamin, in his seminal essay, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936), he states that “Dadaism attempted to create by pictorial – and literary – means the effects which the public today seeks in the film.”, and he investigates the link between Dada and cinema under the sign of shock. In Walter Benjamin’s essay, there are many ideas anticipated by Fondane: all of these are analyzed here.

Author Biography

Ioan POP-CURŞEU, Faculty of Theatre and Television, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, e-mail:

IOAN POP-CURŞEU (b. 4.02.1978, Ocna-Mureş) is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Theatre and Television, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. He has defended his first Ph.D. at the University of Geneva in 2007 (De l’homme hyperbolique au texte impossible: théâtralité, theatre(s), ébauches de pièces chez Baudelaire), and the second at the Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca in 2011 (Magic and Witchcraft in Romanian Culture). In 2015, he defended his habilitation dissertation at Babeş-Bolyai University. His research interests are concerned with film aesthetics, art criticism and image theory, nineteenth-century literature and culture, as well as anthropological aspects of magic and witchcraft. He is the author of several books: Nu ştie stânga ce face dreapta. Două eseuri despre şovăielile gândirii critice (2004), Baudelaire, la plural (2008), Vasile Bologa (1859-1944), studiu monografic (2010), Magie şi vrăjitorie în cultura română. Istorie, literatură, mentalităţi (2013), Manual de estetică (2014). He wrote dozens of articles on various themes, writers and films…


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How to Cite

POP-CURŞEU, I. (2016). Benjamin Fondane et Walter Benjamin : deux approches du cinéma nourries de Dada. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Dramatica, 61(1), 9–23. Retrieved from




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