Un jeu théâtral traditionnel roumain au carrefour des cultures (est-) européennes: "IROZII – les HÉRODES"


  • Ştefana POP-CURŞEU Faculty of Theatre and Television, UBB Cluj. pop_curseu@yahoo.com






A Traditional Romanian Theatrical Performance at the Crossroads of (East-) European Cultures: Irozii - The Herods Play. The kind of theatrical performance upon which we focus our attention in the present study brings together sacred and profane masks, characters coming from the Christian tradition (present in the canonical texts of the Bible as well as in the apocryphal ones), characters who represent an image of a certain social order on the one hand (the priest, the shepherds, the sacred family) and of a possible disorder on the other hand (the lunatic of the village, the devils, the personification of Death). Taking into consideration the fact that the orthodox communities had difficulties in accepting religious theatre and that there are interesting similarities between these performances and the catholic medieval mysteries, a few questions will guide us through the matter: Where are these performances, mixing the archaic and the modern, coming from? Which are the links we can retrace back to the medieval religious theatre? And how did the neighbouring communities, Ukrainians, Hungarians, Germans, Serbs influence the evolution of the Romanian Herods plays?

Author Biography

Ştefana POP-CURŞEU, Faculty of Theatre and Television, UBB Cluj. pop_curseu@yahoo.com

ŞTEFANA POP-CURŞEU, Ph.D at the University of Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle, in Theatre and Scenic Arts, is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Theatre and Television of „Babeş-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca, where she teaches antique and medieval theatre history and modern theory of theatre. She published many articles in the domain of Theatre, in France and Romania. She translated alone or in collaboration with Ioan Pop-Curşeu a dozen of books from French to Romanian, and is the author of the book: Pour une théâtralité picturale. Bruegel et Ghelderode en jeux de miroirs, Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj-Napoca, coll. Teatru-Eseuri, 2012. She wrote in collaboration with Ioan Pop-Curșeu two theatre scripts and directed two performances based on these scripts (Killed by Friendly Fire, 2014 and Every Tzara has his Dada 2016). She is also, since 2011, the artistic director of The National Theatre in Cluj-Napoca.


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How to Cite

POP-CURŞEU, Ştefana. (2018). Un jeu théâtral traditionnel roumain au carrefour des cultures (est-) européennes: "IROZII – les HÉRODES". Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Dramatica, 63(1), 25–60. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbdrama.2018.1.02


